Nick Didlick's Nikon 1 V1

Nick Didlick's ( extensive career in photojournalism has spanned over three decades, two continents, and photographer positions at United Press Canada, Reuters, the Vancouver Sun, and the National Post. He has twice been nominated for a Pulitzer Prize and is a National Newspaper Award-winning photographer. He is now widely sought after as a speaker on digital imaging workflow, counting Nikon, the International Olympic Committee, and International News Agencies among his many clients.  He is a contributing photographer to Getty Images and European Press Photo Agency, and was most recently the Photo Chief for the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics. Currently, Nick shoots commercial and editorial assignments and is a digital imaging consultant. He also teaches workshops around North America helping others to push their own digital photography boundaries.

On September 21, 2011, Nikon announced the new Nikon 1 system which included the J1 and the V1, compact cameras that added some new technologies including a new hybrid autofocus system, which has proven to be very fast for photographers.  It has been praised by top reviewers such as PDN performing as good as any CSC rivals in natural light.  Its mirrorless design and sleek, simple, and elegant design have made it a desirable little piece of equipment for a variety of photographers.  We asked professional photographer Nick Didlick, a Nikon Legend Behind the Lens, if he might show us some of his images taken from the Nikon 1 system.

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CompactJoel addamsJuly 2012Nick didlickNikonNikon 1Nikon1PhotographyPicturelinePoint and shootV1