Friday Featured Photographer - Brock Slinger

You may recognize this week's photographer from our Instagram feed over @pictureline! We have featured his photos a few times and we are always impressed at the new images he creates! If you are interested in learning more about landscape and adventure photography this week's post is for you. So let's get to it and learn a bit more about this Friday's featured photographer - BROCK SLINGER!

What is your go-to gear setup?

I shoot with the Sony A7RII, primarily using the Sony 16-35 f4 lens.  I love the A7RII for its superb image quality and dynamic range.  I started out in the Sony APS-C camera line and migrated up to the 42.4MP full frame sensor as I became more fascinated with superior image quality.  I use a Feisol Ct-3442 tripod, which is very sturdy, lightweight, and portable. Its lack of a center column allows me to shoot as low as six inches from the ground, but it's also high enough that I do not need to bend down when it's fully extended.  I utilize the Lee Big stopper and recently have been upgrading my kit to include Breakthrough Photography’s ND and UV filters (more here).

What keeps you motivated to keep going out and creating beautiful images?

I grew up in rural Wisconsin, and since moving out west five years ago, I have gained a deep appreciation for the natural landscapes and geological oddities that the Western half of the US provides.  When I see a location for the first time, I'm simultaneously struck by feelings of joy and disbelief - that these places really do exist.  I vividly remember my first trip deep into the Yosemite backcountry, and ever since, I have felt the pull to get out and see new and different places.

What is a piece of advice a fellow photographer gave you that stuck with you?

When I first purchased a camera, I sent a few shots to a family friend who had been shooting photos for quite some time.  His one bit of advice was, "Make sure everything in your frame has a reason to be there."  It's simple, yet so effective; I still say that to myself every time I look through the viewfinder to compose an image.

Where is your all-time favorite location to shoot and why?

This is a tough one for me, as so many places hold special meaning, but I'd have to say Hole-in-the-Rock Road.  It’s located in the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, and from one road, you can find a plethora of geological oddities.  It holds many features that belong in a National Park setting, but the large crowds typical of the parks are nowhere to be found.  It’s a place where you can find real solitude from everyday life.  Anytime I can get to Hole-in-the-Rock Road, I know it is going to be a special trip.

What are your thoughts on social media and how it is shaping photographers today?

My photographic journey started while I was exploring the Western states, and I wanted to share my experiences with friends and family back in Wisconsin - mostly through iPhone photos.  This desire to share my experiences eventually led me to produce the high quality images I strive for today.  Social media has definitely played a role in the type of photographer I have become, and there are many positives - especially the reach it provides.  However, one must always be mindful of why one enjoys the art of photography.  For my own growth as a nature photographer, I think it’s important that the driving forces remain the creative outlet, adventure, and awareness of our public lands and natural beauty, rather than trying to maximize "Likes."

Some really great advice from this talented photographer! Check out more of Brock's work on his Instagram and Website.

Digital photographyFeaturedLandscapeMay 2017OutdoorsPhotoPhotographerPhotographyUtah

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