Friday Featured Photographer – Hunter K. Fowler

One of our favorite parts about doing these weekly featured photographer blog posts is getting to know our customers a bit better. Our photographer of the week is a dear friend of ours here at pictureline, and always brings a smile to our face when she comes in for a restock on film, some new SD cards, a lens calibration or anything else she may need. She is a fantastic photographer and has really developed her skills and created a uniquely beautiful style, and we are excited to tell you more about her! This week's pictureline featured photographer is HUNTER K. FOWLER.

What camera(s) do you shoot with and why? 

"I shoot with the Canon 5D Mark III. I love the crispness of my images. And I love how user friendly it is. The only thing I wish it had was WIFI!!!" 

How did you get started with film? Did you start with that or digital photography first?

"I actually started around age 7-8 with point-and-shoot digital cameras (laugh if you want, but they were all the rage), then moved to a Canon DSLR (I don't even remember the name of it) when I was about 10. I then took a film photography class in high school and shot and developed mostly 35mm film -- I loved that! It was so cool to see the process all unfold before my eyes. It really pushed me to learn! I then switched back to digital, still shooting Canon, but then found/rediscovered my love for film and now shoot hybrid.

I shoot with the Contax 645 for color film, Canon EOS3 for black and white film, and Minolta x700 occasionally for personal work." 

What is something most of your clients don’t know about you? 

"I take every shoot very, very seriously. A lot of the time after a wedding, I'll go home and cry because I FEEL all of the emotion of that day on a very personal level. I LOVE what I do, and I love my clients. Which makes it hard for me to separate them from friends and clients.

Also, in my next life, I want to be a culinary star. Like, real." 

Your editing style is so beautiful and fresh, what do you use to edit? And do you use any presets? 

"Thank you! I edit with Lightroom and Photoshop. Lightroom for most everything, Photoshop for the nitty-gritty things like liquifying, removing people, etc. I started off using the VSCO presets (pack 1), but have slowly discovered and created my own to match my film work the best I can. I am a sucker for the Ilford black and white in the VSCO pack though!" 

What is a dream shoot that you’ve always wanted to do, but haven’t had the chance to yet?

"Oh, man. So many dreams. I'd love to photograph in Ireland and/or Santorini (Paris is on that list but we're heading there in December so it seems a little more realistic). Also, I'd die to photograph a famous couple. Ryan and Blake and Ben and Lauren are at the top of my list, but I'm sure I could come up with some more given the time and opportunity." 

Thanks so much to Hunter for all of her tips and letting us get to know her! Find out more about Hunter on her website or instagram, and keep her in mind if you need some photos taken in the future!

April 2017BeautifulBridal photographyEngagement photographyFeaturedFilmFilm cameraFilm is not deadFilm photographerFilm photographyPhotoPhotographyProfessional wedding photographyUtah wedding photographersUtah wedding photographyWedding

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