Friday Featured Photographer - Johnny Adolphson

It's that time of the week again, where we do a spotlight on one of our favorite photographers in our talented community! This week we have chosen a special photographer that has been featured on our instagram account (@pictureline) many times, because of his beautiful photos. We are excited to tell you more about JOHNNY ADOLPHSON and his photographic process!

1. What was the first camera you owned and what have you now evolved to using? 
My first camera was a Canon rebel t2i. Next was a Canon 6d. I currently shoot with a canon 5dsr.
2. You photos are not just beautiful, but also very unique. How do you find your locations to shoot? 
I've spent most of my life hiking, climbing, skiing, and exploring in the Wasatch Mountains, Uinta Mountains, and the Southern Utah desert. I've always worked outdoors in wild places as a ski guide, ski patroller, forestry worker, and wildland firefighter.  Since I caught the shutterbug and became passionate about photography, it has been fun to revisit locations and places I've visited in the past, either for work or play, with a camera and a new purpose in mind. One thing that may make my images unique is that not only do I focus on the locations I shoot, but when I shoot them. I'm constantly seeking out weather phenomenon, seasonal transitions, or opportunities for unique light and contrast in the natural setting that may add another element or dimension to the landscape I'm shooting. My wish list of places I want to photograph is constantly growing.
3. What keeps you motivated and inspired to go out and create beautiful pictures all the time? 
It's those moments where everything seems to come together that keep me motivated. The perfect light, right place, and right time. It doesn't always happen and I often go out and get skunked, but as photographers, we know when we just got the goods.  I love that feeling and it's more than enough to keep me out shooting, wandering, and searching for the next shot. It's important to me to produce the highest quality images so I shoot with state of the art camera gear and use the latest software to process my images.
4. What kind of lenses do you use most often, and do you use any filters on them? 
I mainly use Canon L series zoom lenses. The 16-35 f2.8, 24-105 f4, 70-200 f2.8. I have a Tamron 150-600 for a long zoom. I use a variety of circular polarizing filters and hand held graduated neutral density filters when I'm shooting landscapes.
5. What is a piece of advice you would give to someone just starting out in photography? 
My advice to a new photographer is to stay flexible and don't get tunnel vision. Some of my best and most unique shots, I almost walked right past on my way to a planned composition. Make a plan, but don't be afraid to switch it up last minute if the light is somewhere else. Also get good high quality glass right from the start.
6. Do you like to carry a tripod with you when you go out to shoot? If so, what kind do you recommend?
I shoot with a tripod most of the time. I have a very sturdy Manfrotto 055 that I use and also a light wight Promaster FW26T that I carry when I'm hiking far.
Big thank you to Johnny for giving us some insight into his photographic process! Be sure to check out his website where he sells his photos, and follow him on Instagram!
FeaturedFeatured photographerJune 2017Landscape photographerProfessional photographer

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