Friday Featured Photographer - Kristi Burton

This week's featured photographer is a very talented local that loves to show emotion and passion in her photos. She reached out to us with one of her latest documentary photo projects and we loved every photo so much we decided to do a whole post based on her. This week we welcome KRISTI BURTON, thank you for sharing your talent with us.

1. What made you want to pursue photography?

"I’ve always found myself easily in awe by what I see. My eyes are usually peeled for patterns, lines and colors in my every day surroundings and I am mesmerized by light in it’s many forms. One day, years ago when I was first dipping my toe into the idea of becoming a professional photographer, my husband and I went to fly our kite at this park lined with pretty trees and there was the most beautiful light streaming through them. I had such a blast making pictures in that light that I knew I had to keep going and see where photography would take me. So at first I think it started as a creative outlet and then I saw the opportunity to connect with some pretty rad humans and document their relationships and stories. I was hooked."

2. What kind of camera is your go-to for your photography jobs?
3. What is your favorite type of photography?

"Images that make me want to keep looking at them. I’ve got a thing for documentary and street photography but I also love me a good soul-revealing portrait."

4. What is a piece of advice you'd give to an aspiring photographer?

"Do a lot of personal projects. They will help you find what kind of photography really makes your heart smile. They will stretch you and connect you with great experiences that will then lead you to more. They will help keep your love for photography alive as well as your love for life and those peeps that are most important to you."

Thanks for sharing with us Kristi! Be sure to check out Kristi's website here for more of her work.

Interested in being featured on our blog? Email us! [email protected]

FeaturedPhotographerProfessional photographySeptember 2017

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