Friday Featured Photographer - RJ Hooper

This week we are featuring a very talented Landscape Photographer - RJ Hooper. RJ is so talented it was difficult for us to choose which photos of his to feature. He gives us some amazing insight into his process as a photographer and explains what goes on behind the lens. Make sure to check out his website to see more of his amazing work.

1. What was the first camera you owned and what have you now evolved to using? 

"Oh man, I remember buying a .9 megapixel camera in the early 2000s with no lenses (yes less than 1 megapixel!). My first DSLR was a Canon 20d with kit lenses in 2005-ish. Currently I am using the 5Dsr and I am extremely happy with this camera, it allows for 60"x90" prints with excellent clarity."

2. You must spend a lot of time scouting out unique locations to shoot from. How do you find a spot that you think will produce a great photo? 

"In the last few years I have been trying to venture to lesser known locations to try and capture amazing images. This does however require a lot of trips that don't produce great work the first time. It is fairly easy to hit Zion and go through the narrows and capture some amazing images, but I feel more challenged trying to shoot locations that under normal conditions are fairly bland. In the last 3 years I have not taken a shot standing next to another photographer. Not that I am anti-social, I am just trying to capture a unique side of the Southwest."

3. What keeps you motivated and inspired to go out and create beautiful pictures all the time? 

"I think what inspires me is the people that find joy in my work and hang it in their homes! But the probably the biggest thing is the stress relief it brings to be just being outdoors! Surprisingly I don't take my camera out of the bag on a lot of trips."

4. What kind of lenses do you use most often, and do you use any filters on them? 

"I almost use exclusively wide angle lenses. My go-to is Canon 11-24mm. I also carry a 24-105, 100-400 and a 16-35 2.8 for low light astro."

5. Where do you see your photography talents going in five years? Are there other types of photography you'd like to explore?

"I see my photography going more international. The last 2 years has brought international attention to publications and advertising companies focused on the Southwest. I have nearly 90,000 followers on Facebook with an annual reach of 3.2 million. Most of my followers are out of the country.

I don't see myself venturing too much out as far as style or types of photography but as far as name branding and marketing I see myself shift gears more from print sales to digital marketing and advertising oriented."

Thanks for reading and a big thank you to RJ for inspiring us all! See you next week.

FeaturedOctober 2017

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