Expanding Our Hearts This Valentine's Day: New Store Expansion Plans

Valentine’s Day is near and dear to our hearts here at pictureline not just because it’s a holiday that celebrates love but because it sparks memories of humble beginnings. Come February 15th, we will be celebrating our 32nd year since we first opened our doors. It’s a time of reminiscing and looking back at how it all started and how we came to be where we are today.


Pictureline opened in February 1989 as a small one-man operation in a 10x10 square foot upstairs room on 240 South and 200 East in Salt Lake City, UT. After 32 years, a new location and 20 employees later, we have grown more than we could have ever imagined. Today, we have been at our 305 West and 700 South location for 16 years. In the next upcoming months, we will be expanding our store and implementing a new studio space made up of floor to ceiling north facing windows for plenty of natural light. We are hoping this will be a space for learning and creativity for those in our local photography community.

pictureline store expansion plans

We like to think that we are in the best industry there is. Photography has changed how we see the world and, in fact, has helped us see more of it than we ever could without it. It’s the only invention that can stop one single moment in time. So, this Valentine’s Day, take time to slow down and capture the present. Remember to pick up your camera and take pictures of the people you love— trust us, you will be grateful you did. We’d also like to thank our customers for the support and friendship you’ve given us these past 32 years, we look forward to the many more years to come.

AnniversaryPicturelineStore expansionValentine's day

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