Canon and Nikon 16-35mm Shoot-Out

Canon and Nikon 16-35mm Shoot-Out

16-35mmShane Harder
Lensbaby Composer Pro Double Glass Optic

Lensbaby Composer Pro Double Glass Optic

August 2014Pictureline
Canon 1D C 4k Video Frame Grab

Canon 1D C 4k Video Frame Grab

1DCShane Harder
Nikon D810: Upping the Ante on DSLR Cameras

Nikon D810: Upping the Ante on DSLR Cameras

Lensbaby: Introducing the Circular Fisheye

Lensbaby: Introducing the Circular Fisheye

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Canon Counterfeits: How to Spot a Knock Off

Canon Counterfeits: How to Spot a Knock Off

SD Memory Cards Make the Move to 4K2K Video

SD Memory Cards Make the Move to 4K2K Video

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X-Rite ColorTRUE: Color Calibration Goes Mobile

X-Rite ColorTRUE: Color Calibration Goes Mobile

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Canon C100 Dual Pixel Upgrade: What to Know

Canon C100 Dual Pixel Upgrade: What to Know

Panasonic GH4 Boasts 4K Video Capability

Panasonic GH4 Boasts 4K Video Capability

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Pictureline Rental Rewards & Such

Pictureline Rental Rewards & Such

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