Canon EOS Remote for iPhone and Android

The Canon EOS Remote is a free app for iOS or Android smartphone users, which allows remote shooting, image browsing and other operations for Canon EOS SLR cameras with Wi-Fi functionality.  The Wi-Fi enables remote tethering from your device allowing you to set focus, adjust manual settings and release the shutter without even touching the camera, as well as browse images on the camera’s memory card, select images and save them to your device to easily upload to your favorite social media sites.

So how does it work? To begin, you need the iPhone/iPod iOS 5.0 or Android OS 2.3.3 to be compatible for the Remote app download from either the iTunes or Google Play store.  Designed to connect to Canon’s EOS 6D and 70D, the camera creates a Wi-Fi network allowing you to connect your phone to the cameras network and be used as a wireless access point.


Now that you’re connected, you are now able to adjust Av, Tv, ISO and exposure values, select manual focus points and release the shutter from your smartphone touch screen, much like a tethered shutter release, a big advantage for avoiding camera shake in certain situations where the slightest vibration of the camera can jeopardize the image.


Once you’ve set up your shot, adjusted exposure values and focus, you’re ready to take the shot.  Now you are able to transfer and save the images to your phone and immediately send or share on social media sites.  No uploading to your laptop or monitor, just shoot and share!  Without even taking your camera out of your bag, browse, delete and rate images wirelessly from your phone, keeping your DSLR safe while in crowded cities, or bad weather conditions.


Keep in mind, the full size image taken with your DLSR won’t be downloaded to your smartphone, this would take up too much bandwidth from your wireless connection, but you are left with a smaller file of the same, great-looking image from your professional sized DSLR.  Remote capture of movies are not yet supported, which means viewing MOV files recorded by your camera, cannot be viewed on your smartphone.

With all its features and capabilities, the Canon EOS Remote for iPhone and Android practically makes buying a wireless remote obsolete, allowing you to have even more control over your DSLR with your smartphone, without even touching your camera.

CanonIphoneJuly 2014TetherTethering

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