Rootstech 2024 was a truly memorable event, filled with a wide array of classes and special highlights. One of the standout moments was Nancy Borowick's captivating presentation on her book, "The Family Imprint: a Daughter's Portrait of Love and Loss." Nancy shared the deeply personal story behind her project, documenting her parents' journey through cancer simultaneously. Her emotional storytelling and photographs moved the audience to heartfelt tears, as she vividly portrayed the highs and lows of love and loss.
The Pictureline booth at Rootstech featured Canon and Negative Supply, offering assistance to genealogy enthusiasts looking to digitize their family photos. Whether attendees had boxes of negative film rolls, slides, or printed pictures of their personal family history; we were able to provide knowledge and products to efficiently preserve and digitize their precious family memories.
It's events like Rootstech that remind us of the importance of honoring our family history and the stories that shape us.
RootsTech is the premier event to celebrate your heritage and other meaningful connections through a deeper understanding of family history and genealogy.
When: Feb. 29 - March 2nd
Since 2011 RootsTech by FamilySearch has been a family gathering unlike any other. The annual conference, first held in Salt Lake City, Utah, has grown and changed since those early days. From in-person to the entirely virtual, world-wide conference held just last year, RootsTech has always been a celebration of connection—past, present and future.
RootsTech offers Family History classes for every interest and skill level in over 40 languages, covering nearly every country. In short, there is something for everyone. RootsTech partners with companies each year to showcase innovations and new technology that can help you make new family history connections.
Family History is about stories. During the three-day event, and all year long, we highlight personal stories that uplift, inspire, and entertain. This year, pictureline and Sony have sponsored Keynote Speaker and acclaimed Photojournalist, Nancy Borowick.
Get to Know Nancy Borowick:
Nancy Borowick is a talented and acclaimed photojournalist known for her powerful and intimate documentary work. She gained recognition for her project "The Family Imprint," a poignant exploration of her parents' journey through cancer. Her ability to capture deeply personal stories through her lens contributes to a rich and diverse tapestry of narratives, inspiring attendees to explore and preserve their own family histories.